Thursday, July 30, 2009

STATIC OUT DYNAMIC IN, Dinamika dalam Desain, Gerakan yang Membuat sedikit Terengah-engah

Tentu saat ini semua pasti sudah pernah mendengar atau melihat dan membaca tentang gedung yang dinamis yang mampu berputar setiap lantainya di Dubai, yang menurut kabar akan dinamai The Dynamic Tower. Untuk yang belum pernah mendengar mungkin bisa dilihat di situs teman saya Bartian di sini.

Sejak jaman baheula, karya seni mulai dari patung hingga arsitektur pasti memiliki unsur dinamis meski materinya sendiri sebenarnya statis. Jadi meskipun patung/bangunan/lukisan itu statis alias berdiri diam, tetap saja terasa ada irama yang dinamis jika diamati lebih lanjut. Mungkin yang belum mengerti alias awam atau tidak terbiasa akan sulit dalam menyelami apa yang saya maxudkan.
Namun nampaknya saat ini pengertian dinamis dalam sebuah kestatisan/diam terasa mulai harus mengalami pemaknaan ulang yang lebih kontemporer.

Dinamis tidak cukup hanya secara intrinsik, tapi harus menjadi letterlijk, bergerak secara lahiriah, secara kasat mata telanjang. The Dynamic Tower ini contohnya. Tidak menarik lagi segala yang diam dan statis. Yang dinamis dan bergerak itulah yang akan menjadi kecenderungan baru. Ini baru dalam bidang arsitektur. Meskipun ide gedung yg berotasi bukanlah hal baru. Tapi The Dynamic Tower berhasil membawa dinamika arsitektur ke tataran baru.

Dan gejala kedinamisan yang baru ini sudah menyentuh dalam bidang interior.

Sebagai contoh bola lampu kaca yg dipasang di diskotik2 jaman klasik disko. Bola kaca itu berputar meski hanya di tempat tetapi berhasil membawa kedinamisan sorot cahaya lampu lainnya bergerak berputar mengelilingi ruangan. Membuat suasana di dalam ruang disko menjadi dinamis. Kemudian seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, diciptakan lampu2 sorot yg dinamis utk keperluan dunia hiburan. Saat ini mungkin lampu yang berputar atau bergerak memang sudah sangat banyak digunakan untuk lingkungan domestik, meski masih terbatas pada penggunaan lampu meja dengan motif2 yang unik.

Tapi seiring dengan perkembangan lampu LED, penggunaannya tidak semata untuk penerangan hemat energi semata2. Tetapi juga dalam hal pembuatan dekorasi perpaduan antara seni dan teknologi. Diawali dengan munculnya LED wall hanging pictures. Meski umumnya hanya berupa gambar2 statis entah berupa pemandangan seperti air terjun tapi berkat teknologi LED gambar statis tersebut terkesan bergerak dengan dinamis. Gambar statis menjadi dinamis berkat permainan cahaya. Bahkan beberapa dilengkapi dengan efek suara sehingga terkesan benar2 hidup.

Setelah penemuan LED wall hanging pictures, saat ini telah menjamur Digital Photo Frame. Dari ukuran 7 inchi hingga belasan inchi. Dirancang untuk menyimpan data2 foto. Bisa diatur sehingga nampak seperti slide show dengan kecepatan yang dapat diatur.Sehingga foto2 yang Anda pajang tidak akan nampak membosankan karena terus berganti2. Sangat dinamis bukan?

Hmmm lama saya jadi berpikir kira2 apa yang akan terjadi dengan desain interior nantinya? Apakah nanti tampilan lemari pakaian kita bisa berganti2 motif urat kayu dan warna karena ada panel LED di bagian dinding dan pintu luarnya? Atau sofa yang berlapis kain bunglon sehingga bisa berubah2 warna tergantung cahaya yang menimpanya? Atau tatanan interior rumah yang bisa berubah2 seperti panggung pergelaran Grammy di Amerika sana? Atau suasana ruangan yang berubah-ubah tema berkat permainan proyektor ke dinding?

Menjadi statis memang cenderung membosankan, tapi nampaknya menjadi dinamis perlu stamina yang kuat untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan jaman.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Setelah sekian lama berkecimpung dalam dunia customized furniture, kali ini !GLOO mencoba untuk menghasilkan loose furniture untuk menghiasi ruangan Anda. Dengan line Malachi Living, saya membuat seri Malachina. Sebuah seri bertema chic oriental. Untuk kali ini saya persembahkan sebuah credenza dengan desain yang simpel, jujur, dan unik. Sebuah karya desain yang akan memiliki 'umur panjang' dengan pemiliknya. Berbahan kayu lapis dengan finishing impor high pressure laminate yang tahan air dan panas serta mudah perawatannya. Dengan kaki stainless steel yang akan menambah kesan kokoh dan kontemporer. Credenza berukuran 70x45x85cm ini akan mempercantik ruangan Anda.

price: Rp.2.250.000,- *Jkt
for order feel free to email me.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Pekerjaan yang sudah cukup lama tertunda.
Kadang kalau sudah tahu enaknya pakai drafter jadinya malah ketagihan.
Konsep saya yang buat, drafter tinggal mewujudkan apa yang saya konsep. Menyulap lantai sebuah ruko menjadi kamar tidur yang nyaman untuk pasangan pengantin baru.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Memiliki apartemen mungil bagi mereka yang masih lajang adalah sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri. Mini kitchen ini bertempat di apartemen Mediteranian Tanjung Duren. Apartemen mungil untuk seorang lelaki lajang. Dapur yang mungil cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penghuni sebagai seorang lajang. Tidak menyita tempat tapi cukup untuk mengakomodir kegiatan dapur.


While this seems to arise is the tendency to lift return prestige in society Indonesian batik even to foreign countries. It arose as a reaction against patent Malaysia on batik. People should realize that the technique of making patterns by using a candle night as the color barrier, or who we know as the techniques of batik, a technique which is universal. Which could be also used in India & China, though with different names.

The case is much more developed batik in Indonesia especially in Java. That's a different issue again. Because of batik in Indonesia is growing not just as a decorative technique but also with his philosophy even as a means of their application materials.

Development of Ornamental Variety Batik
Did you know that the word batik is derived from the word in the Java language that is the point or nitik which means making a point? Point is known as one of the motives filler or also known as isen in batik decorative pattern. From the point of growing up to be a motif of flora, fauna and even airplanes in the colonial era.

In its development, especially in Java batik motifs have various influences. In fact, each ornament in Javanese batik has a very complex design philosophy. That is why the world recognize that Java is a development center of batik to be like now.

Since its first decorative batik experience a variety of evolution because of various influences. For example, the character and social position of the users of batik cloth, situation and social conditions that are going on the community, the influence of foreign culture into Indonesia. Ornamental pattern batik is also influenced by the performing arts such as puppets, architecture and even literature. This shows how batik is very flexible to adapt to the development of society.

Currently, even a small community in Papua began developing distinctive Papuan batik. There's even Aboriginal batik ornaments, Danish or Indian. Of course this is due to the influence of free trade. Variety of decorative batik can be interpreted in accordance with market demand.

Perhaps this can be interpreted as the decadence of the achievement of Javanese batik as we know it. But I believe that batik will reach its own equilibrium. Variety of decorative batik with traditional grip equipment will continue to be maintained because of its uniqueness is not cracked by the era. While the batik ornament with a more progressive stream will also continue to grow.

Batik as Interior Decorating Elements
Previously only known application of batik on cloth. More specifically, in natural fiber fabrics. But today even the batik technique successfully applied to synthetic materials such as Lycra as is done Carmanita several years ago.

And since the early 1990s batik technique applied on the wood began to be known in general. Batik techniques on the wood is actually initiated by the business people are trying to find batik cloth breakthrough amid sluggish trade in batik cloth late 1980s into early 1990.

The development of techniques such as batik on wood pule wood, pine & albizia produces new developments in interior decoration. With the technique of batik on wood, there arose a product display with batik motifs such as masks, frames, candlesticks, jars depositors, mailboxes, bowls of wood, tissue box, file storage cabinets and even tiny. Because using the batik technique is exactly the same as the above technique of batik cloth, the interior decor knick knacks that produced too small. Given the difficulty of the work by using a large wooden material.

But breathe batik decoration products do not stop at the wood material. Iwan Tirta, a maestro of batik, applying batik designs with Chinese influences on tableware made of ceramics since several years ago. Jaya Ibrahim, a qualified interior designer international, designed the wooden wall panels are carved with batik motifs kawung for Dharmawangsa hotel. Even Bin House designing devices made of glass tableware that was etched with batik ornaments.

Batik technique is known as a means of expression in the form of crafters Yogya batik painting on fabric. Many souvenirs in the form of batik painting can be found in souvenir shops in the capital of Jogjakarta or department store network.

Batik as textile products, can also be used as other disposable items for interior decoration such as ornamental walls, insulation space, pillowcases, tablecloths. Even batik stamp tool can be used as a display of batik.

Batik Development for Future Interior Decorating

Various functions batik batik above shows the ability to adapt to flexible, which raised hopes that Indonesia will be able to develop the classic batik motifs on new materials to support the interior design. Is not this nation has a lot of institutional design and designers? Just how the industry would cooperate with designers and design institutions to create interiors with a breath of batik products. Do we just want to be spectators who witnessed our classical batik decoration used by the designers of other countries to patented as their copyright? Or we ourselves develop our classic batik decoration in various elements of interior decoration.

It is not possible someday classical decorative motif appearing in the wallpaper, floor tiles, ceramic walls, sofa cloth, curtain cloth, carpet, gypsum list, chandeliers. With the touch of a breath of batik designers Indonesia, Batik Indonesia will become the nation's identity with a new, more modern interpretations that can be accepted by the public and younger generation in particular.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Originally around end December 2008 I've had time to measure and make a design. But then I was a little lazy to follow up because I couldn't stand the traffic jam to the locations. It took about two hours long to get there than the normal half an hour. I had decided to turn down this offer. But somehow the owner just waited until May the next year. She asked me personally to design her furnitures. Starting from the master bedroom continues until finally the kitchen and bathroom.

"Noo...just give me one big closet...." - Satu Lemari untuk Sepatu Takkan Pernah Cukup

""No... Just give me one big closet.."
That's the word of Carrie Bradshaw's quote in the movie Sex and the City.
A Indonesian hat maker once asked why women could pay much more for shoes than for the hat? Women did not hesitate to spend more money for shoes. Why is it so?
Well let me explain why.
Hats are used for parts of the body above, the head including the face. Head always get more attention than the rest parts of the body especially what we called feet. During we speak certainly we look at the head instead of the feett. During sleep, our heads always have a pillow to support while the legs do not get the foot pads. Both functions of the foot and head equally important. Legs without a head cannot move to the direction where it was originally addressed. But the head with no legs cannot reach the same destination. Head always be praised because there is the hair, the crown. Though the feet also likely to support the whole body. But often foot instead received less attention.
Head refers to the mind. Foot pointed to the journey of life.

Head shampooed every day, got treatment, facials, toothbrushes. While foot care mostly only get washed every day. The best a foot can get is a rarely pedicure or reflexology treatment. The bottom line head treatment far more numerous and intense than foot care. Often the foot is not getting more attention than the head.

So naturally if someone is spending more for shoes than the cap. 

Shoes refers to the attainment of life's journey, a process that has endured throughout life. The price is certainly expensive. Because life is precious. Feet feasible to get an expensive shoe

According to Valerie Steel in her Shoes Lexicon of Style, there is little of Imelda Marcos in many women. Research shows that average American women have at least 12 pairs of shoes, two times more than average American men have.
Shoes for women is a sex symbol, the symbol of supremacy and position of power or domination over men's passions of her leg.

Why do women love to wear high heels?
Wearing high heels makes the body of a woman's anatomy changed. What held high heel due to automatic upper body of a woman will adjust to balance the body. That means the calves will look more levels, more and tighten your buttocks, shoulders pulled back so that breasts make women's breasts will look even bigger.
And voila a woman look more sexy after wearing high heels. Become more sexy to give power to a woman to control men.
So do not wonder about women's need are not featured in the dictionary about a shoe. Shoes are a reflection of life's journey, step from a woman.
If according to figures Rebecca Bloomwood fictional character Sophie Kinsella's work, fashion shoes is an investment, investment that will boost performance image.
Below are some designs I've ever shoe closet design. See how small the room is I have to be able to accommodate as many as possible of my clients' shoes.


HOW TO ACCESSORIZED YOUR INTERIOR...... Projecting Your Image to Your Interior

I used to get bored reading interior blogs or articles which were so serious. I want something more playfull. That's why I write this guidance. Don't take it too seriously, as I mean it as allusions. Some people tend to be exaggerated to show that they really mean something to whole world. But if you take this guidance seriously, you'll find out that this guidance is also really usefull if you really have passion on those things exp movies, music. You can apply this guidance to your own room, home, apartment or office -just in case you have good position that have right to decor it yourself'.

  1. If you really want to project your image as a conservative, republican, religious people, you should decorate your interior with posters with religious themes such as Holy Mary, not to forget Jesus in Last Supper.
  2. If you want your guests get the right image of yours as an educated people, put your National Geographic magz, common health books on your coffetable as if they are coffetable books.
  3. If you want to stand your positions as a socialite, frame your pictures with famous and rich people like celebs and then hang them on your walls. Or you can put them on top your desk.
  4. If you need people to consider you as an art expert, put some famous painters' posters, which is much friendlier to your pocket than the real ones, and hang them on the walls. Maybe you can put some art books on your coffetable too.
  5. If you really crave for an image as an music expert, put a baby piano, tough you can't play it, on your living room, hang your guitar you get by bidding on e-bay on the wall. Put some biography books of famous musicians on your coffetable alongside with your collectible CD's such as Ray Charles, Billie Holiday even tough youre not really into their music.
  6. I will put one more guidance as bonus. If you need people to know you as a hardcore moviegoers, hang some movies posters on your wall. Put some movies script book on your coffetable and you'll get intant result

That is just my opinion.