Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Years ago I knew about Rumah Kartanegara -RK- which was founded as a function house. I was amazed by it's interior style. It's a combination of European classic with traditional Java style.

About 16/17 years ago the first time I visited Anna Bambang's residential, the owner of RK, at Jalan Sriwijaya when I was in high school. Her home style is a reflection of her taste of classic European and Java. That time I have not had any vision of interior design as my way of life. But that memory is still written on my mind.

I guess that style in her home is applied on RK by Anna and her interior designer, Ted Sulisto.

The first time I knew RK was from several music videos of famous Indonesian artists like Rossa, a diva who used RK as her set location. And the rest is history. The appearance of RK continue in one of famous Indonesia movie, ARISAN, which Anna's son contributed to that movie as an artistic director.

After RK, she also launched Rumah Daksa which has modern style, Rumah Imam Bondjol styled in American, and the latest Rumah Sleman in classic Java style. All of them are function houses. Feel free to visit annapola in order to et to know their services.

courtesy of annapola

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