Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Finally my short stories anthology that I had sent a few weeks ago have been received by the publisher. And I receive the notification email in my junk folder. Geesh that was really a lucky coinccident that I found it in my junk. Hopefully this good news will bring me another good news in the next 3 months. This will be a sweetest revenge. And I have an idea about who I'm going to ask to design the illustration for my first book's cover.

Dengan hormat,
Naskah Anda berupa kumpulan cerpen dengan judul REUNI , telah kami terima dengan baik.
Tim Penerbit kami akan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan penerbitannya selama 2-3 bulan dari tanggal terima penerimaannya.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas perhatian Dan tawaran kerja sama yang Anda berikan.

Wish me luck...

By the way, talking about illustration, about two weeks ago I found an article of old news paper about fashion illustration from last century - lolz I mean last decade -. And it inspired me to do research and write about Indonesian fashion illustrator.

I hope this week I will publish my article about one of top Indonesian designers, Yuni Jie.

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